Takamine EF341SC

(특기사항) 본 제품의 금번 입고분은 판매가 완료되어 당분간 품절상태입니다.

추후 입고시 공지 될때 까지 주문받을수없음을 양해해주시기바랍니다.-뮤직파크

EF341SC 모델형은 미국내에서 상당히인기있는 다카미네기타로서
이글스의 기타연주자인 Glenn Frey의 메인어쿠스틱기타로 

그리고 반조비등이사용하고 있는 타입의 기타입니다..
중저음대가 부드럽게 연출되며 그리고 무대에서 돋보이는

 EF341SC- 뮤직파크에 입고되어있습니다..

TAKAMINE ARTISTS ................. Bjorn Berge

TAKAMINE ARTISTS ............ Meredith Brooks

Back & Sides : Maple
Body Dreadnought Cutaway
Neck Mahogany
Style 6 string
Top : Solid Cedar 
Type Acoustic Electric Guitars


TAKAMINE 제품의 가장 큰 특징은 소리가 부드럽다는 것이다.
어떤 장르에도 어울리는 소리를 내준다는 게 장점이기도 하다.
세계시장에 40%를 점유하고 있으며, 점점 더 그 지지 기반이 넓어지는 추세이다.
국내에서도 점점 TAKAMINE를 쓰는 뮤지션이 늘고 있다.

바디 형태로는 크게 몇 가지로 나눌 수 있다.
1)NEX 형태로 SANTAFE PSF48C, PSF49C, EN40C등이 이에 해당된다.
바디가 비교적 작다. 연주하기가 편리하다.
2)Jumbo 형태로 EN20C, NP25C가 이에 해당된다.
바디가 큰게 특징이다. 연주하기는 조금 불편하지만 울림이 좋다.
3)Dreadnought 형태로 N-18, EN10C, G-10, EG-10 등이 해당된다.
우리가 흔히 알고 있는 일반적인 어쿠스틱 형태이다.
4)FXC 형태로 NP-65C, PSF-65C, PSF60C, EF261 등이 해당된다.
NEX 바디보다 작다. 연주하기가 편리하다.


N4B Diagram


The CT4B preamp is designed for ease of use and purity of tone. The CT4B consists of 3 bands of graphic EQ tone control, a volume control slider and a built-in chromatic tuner.

The 3 band EQ provides control over the bass (LOW), midrange (MID) and treble (HIGH) frequency response. With the sliders set at the midpoint (0) the electric signal from the guitar is evenly balanced across the frequency range. The desired tone is then dialed in by using the sliders to add or subtract frequency response as desired. Each frequency control slider will raise or lower the band response by +/-5db.

The volume slider adjusts the output volume of the preamp.

The convenient built-in chromatic tuner is extremely accurate and very easy to use. The tuner is activated by pressing the TUNER POWER button. To tune your instrument, simply pluck any open string. The tuner will then display the name of the note that has the closest frequency of the string played. The amount of deviation from the note (higher or lower) is displayed by red arrows indicating sharp or flat. When only the green center light illuminates, the note indicated in red has reached precise tuning. When the guitar is unplugged, the TUNER POWER switch acts as on and off.

Your CT4B tuner is also capable of being calibrated to frequencies other than standard A440. When the PITCH button is pressed, the frequency that is currently set will be shown by a flashing red light above the frequency number. While the reference light is flashing, press the Pitch repeatedly to set the desired reference pitch. With each press of the button, the reference pitch will increase by 1Hz increments from 440Hz to 445Hz. Once the pitch has reached 445Hz, the next press will decrease the pitch to 438Hz. When the button operation is stopped, the reference pitch is set and the tuner will stand by for tuning.

To facilitate silent on-stage tuning, the TUNER POWER button also acts as a mute switch when the guitar is played amplified. If you wish to be able to tune with your signal amplified, simply press the TUNER POWER a second time. Press a third time to shut off the tuner function. The tuner will shut off automatically when there is no signal for a couple of minutes.